Spokes Hub Graduation

On March 3rd 2023, Sex Workers Right Day, Spokes Hub graduates made presentations and hosted a live audience Q&A via Zoom. This marks the second cohort of participants to graduate Spokes Hub, which aims to support individual advocates with lived experience in the sex trade. Topics covered by the graduates included a Mental Health Toolbox, an examination of sex worker support networks, sex work in socialist contexts, and the intersection of sex work and disability.

After graduation, participants are eligible to access an “Awards Pool” to receive financial compensation for public education work that is otherwise unpaid. Some participants have earned as much as $1,000 since graduating and have expressed that Spokes Hub helped them learn how to put their experiences and perspectives into words with increased confidence. This pilot program has been a success, and we’re excited to keep working with Woodhull Freedom Foundation to improve and expand the program. 


Microgrants Launched!